Wednesday, September 17, 2008

One Year Later

Just over 365 days ago, we loaded our lives and loves into a mini van and left our long time home.
In that year, we learned some important things:
Jack Links beef jerky is manna
DO NOT EVER eat "moisturized" chicken
Nut rolls are great protein on the road.
Waffle House ROCKS!
Cherry lime aid and tots from Sonic ease the pain of travel
Kansas is flat
Never move 4800 miles unless it is a very good reason (Like your nephew calling you up to ask if you can swim underwater)
WiFi is your friend
Mini vans can be good
Parrots do not drink or eat in bouncy cars
Texas feels weird
Alabama has a lot of Helicopters
New York is expensive
Read the fine print
Communicate very well to keep your clients
You will always be right where you are supposed to be ( you probably will not always know it though)
A good companion is priceless

There is no place like home

I will keep writing when I can.
I have no idea if anyone still reads this, but I will keep it out there.

A new year begins.



Anonymous said...

It's read on a more frequent basis than it's written!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it has been a whole year!
Miss you all, terribly,
Angela, Madi & Mango

Anonymous said...

I'm checking every Sunday morning for updates! Keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

Yes C, we do still read! Keep it up, it's nice to know what's happening...

Halo Dude :)